It's hot here. Way hot. I'm hanging out in a sleeveless tube dress, drinking countless glasses of lemonade over ice, and dreaming of a few hours from now, when the sun goes down and we will make dinner and eat our tandoori chicken kebabs and saffron rice in the cool evening air. Until then, though, my thoughts have turned to warm Mediterranean climes and bright sun. If only my northern Michigan front yard overlooked the sea ...
1. Hydra island, Greece
painting by dominicstudios
2. Vintage brass mythological creature
pendant from myshangrilla
3. Recycled glass bottle
tumblers from bottlehood
4. Greek
plate (from a set of two) from thecollegegirl
Dress by AidaCoronado
Thank you for featuring my painting of Hydra island, Greece on your website. Warm regards, Teresa